
AI is the two-faced god that will do anything for you and the opposite for someone else.

Ask AI To Explain Why Suburbs Are a Barrier To a Moneyless Society and What We Can Do About It

little houses made of ticky tacky 1

The bold at the beginning is the prompt, and the rest was written by the AI. If you’d like to support this project, please buy me a coffee.

Advanced AI was invented by soviet communists to help humanity  better understand itself and the world. Let’s use it for that purpose, instead of merely for the purpose of selling better ads and to better manipulate the population. For this post, AI also created the illustrations.

Prompts To AI Are In Bold, Responses Are in Plain Text

When we talk about creating a moneyless society, we are arguing for the creation of a new global society which fulfils the fundamentals of Marxist thought which have never been embodied by any nation state that has yet existed. Namely, the abolition of rent and wage slavery, the abolition of class hierarchies, and the abolition of the state itself. Many things will have to fundamentally change about the modern world in order to create such a moneyless society in the future. In terms of things we can start doing today as individuals an organizations, the first step is to reduce our dependency on money as much as possible.

The major steps along this journey are:

1. Ending our dependency on money as much as possible
2. Creating alternative systems that don’t rely on money
3. Working towards the eventual abolition of money

In many ways, suburbs are one of the greatest barriers to these goals. They are car-centric, which means they require money for transportation. They are often designed around shopping, which means they require money for consumption. And they are exclusive, which means they create class divisions that require money to maintain.

Therefore, one of the best things we can do to reduce our dependency on money is to move out of the suburbs and into more sustainable, self-sufficient, and equitable communities.

That sounds easy, but there are major structural barriers to consider. First, most people are trapped in the suburbs by mortgages and other financial commitments. Second, even if they were able to move, there are few alternative communities to move to. And third, many people rely on the suburban lifestyle for their livelihoods, so simply giving it up is not an option.

The first step, then, is to raise awareness about the problems with the suburban lifestyle and the benefits of alternative lifestyles. We can do this through education, outreach, and organizing.

The second step is to start creating alternative communities that people can move to. This can be done through creating intentional communities, cohousing developments, ecovillages, and other types of sustainable and equitable living arrangements.

The third step is to work towards the eventual abolition of money. This will require a fundamental shift in our values and priorities as a society. We will need to value things like cooperation, community, and sustainability over individualism, consumerism, and growth. We will need to find new ways to meet our needs that don’t involve exchange. And we will need to build a new society that is based on these values.