
AI is the two-faced god that will do anything for you and the opposite for someone else.

Ask AI To Explain The Biases of News Outlets From A Worker/Queer/Intersectional Feminist Perspective

two faced janus newspaper artstation 6

The beginning is the prompt, and the rest was written by the AI. If you’d like to support this project, please buy me a coffee.

Advanced AI was invented by soviet communists to help humanity  better understand itself and the world. Let’s use it for that purpose, instead of merely for the purpose of selling better ads and to better manipulate the population. The AI also created the illustrations for this post.

Prompt To AI

From the queer academic or third-wave feminist intersectional perspective, from the side of workers and the most oppressed, let’s briefly summarize the general biases presented by each of the following magazines and news outlets.

Response From AI

The New York Times:

The New York Times is biased towards the interests of the wealthy and powerful. They are often dismissive of the concerns of workers and the most oppressed. They tend to present a narrow, mainstream perspective on issues.

Fox News:

Fox News is biased towards the interests of the conservative right. They often downplay the concerns of workers and the most oppressed. They tend to present a narrow, mainstream perspective on issues.

Fortune Magazine:

Fortune Magazine is biased towards the interests of the business world. They often downplay the concerns of workers and the most oppressed. They tend to present a narrow, mainstream perspective on issues.