
AI is the two-faced god that will do anything for you and the opposite for someone else.

Leveraging AI to Write a Zizekian Critique of Jordan Peterson and his Army of Incels

The point of this post is to explain how to effectively leverage large language models like GPT-3 or GPT-4 to write long-form text and narratives. This is not an intuitive process; you can’t just tell it to do your homework for you.

You need to start by explaining the goal and asking it to create a plan for how to come up with the answer you want. In this case, creating an outline for an essay on the topic as explained.

Next, and this is key, ask it to revise the plan over and over until it can’t think of any way to make it better or until you are satisfied with what it has come up with. This process can take a lot of revisions, just like a human writing a third or fourth draft of an essay.

Finally, ask it to write the essay. If you don’t like the first result, then repeat the revision process for each paragraph, asking it to write one paragraph at a time and revise it over and over until it can’t be improved.

Also keep in mind, you will need to be an active participant in this process. Tweak the outline and add things it has missed. Remove things that don’t make sense. Then ask it to write a new draft incorporating your new feedback.

Large language models are few-shot learners. This means it takes them a few tries and a few examples to be good at doing what you want. You need to learn how to communicate with them on terms they can understand, and then you will be able to leverage them to do anything.

The Process

My prompts are in bold. The rest was created by the AI.

Create an outline for an essay written in the first person from the perspective of Slavoj Zizek where he explains his true feelings about the philosophy and ideology of Jordan Peterson and his army of incels which Zizek often holds himself back from discussing openly.

I. Introduction
A. Introduce Slavoj Zizek and the current debate surrounding Jordan Peterson
B. Explain the purpose of this essay: to discuss Slavoj Zizek’s true feelings about Jordan Peterson’s philosophy and ideology

II. Exploring Jordan Peterson’s Ideas
A. Overview of Peterson’s main ideas
B. Examining how Peterson’s views and arguments are contradictory

III. Zizek’s Rejection of Peterson
A. Describing Zizek’s stance on some of Peterson’s key ideologies
B. Discussing the major reasons why Zizek does not agree with Peterson

IV. The Consequences of Zizek’s Criticism
A. Exploring how Zizek’s criticism has been received by Peterson and his supporters
B. Examining how this divide has impacted the debate around Peterson’s ideas

V. Conclusion
A. Recap of Zizek’s criticism of Peterson’s ideas
B. Arguing why it is important to challenge these ideas in order to reach a more enlightened understanding of the world
C. Closing thoughts on the need for open and honest dialogue about Peterson’s ideas

Revise this outline in order ot be more provocative, compelling, and salient to the reader, and especially to the incel community.

I. Introduction
A. Introduce Slavoj Zizek and the current debate surrounding Jordan Peterson
B. Explain the purpose of this essay: to discuss Slavoj Zizek’s honest and provocative views on Jordan Peterson’s philosophy and ideology, with a special focus on how it affects the incel community

II. Exploring Jordan Peterson’s Ideas
A. Overview of Peterson’s main ideas and how they have been embraced by the Incel community
B. Examining how Peterson’s views and arguments are contradictory and limited for those within the Incel movement

III. Zizek’s Critique of Peterson
A. Describing Zizek’s stance on some of Peterson’s key ideologies and how they entrench patriarchal structures and oppressive systems
B. Discussing the major reasons why Zizek does not agree with Peterson, and how his critiques offer a more progressive alternative for those within the Incel community

IV. The Consequences of Zizek’s Criticism
A. Exploring how Zizek’s criticism has been received by Peterson and his supporters, and how it has prompted some within the Incel community to re-evaluate Peterson’s ideas
B. Examining how this divide has impacted the debate around Peterson’s ideas and how it has opened up new possibilities for those seeking an alternative to Peterson’s ideology

V. Conclusion
A. Recap of Zizek’s provocative and honest views on Peterson’s ideas and the implications for those within the Incel community
B. Arguing why it is important to challenge these ideas in order to reach a more enlightened understanding of the world, particularly for those within the Incel community
C. Closing thoughts on the need for open and honest dialogue about Peterson’s ideas, and the importance of embracing alternatives that aim to undo oppressive systems

Revise this outline in order ot be more provocative, compelling, and salient to the reader, and especially to the incel community.

I. Introduction
A. Introduce Slavoj Zizek and the current debate surrounding Jordan Peterson
B. Explain the purpose of this essay: to discuss Slavoj Zizek’s honest and provocative views on Jordan Peterson’s philosophy and ideology, with a special focus on how it affects the incel community, and how these views depart from the traditional arguments against Peterson

II. Examining Jordan Peterson’s Ideas
A. Overview of Peterson’s main ideas and how they have been embraced by the Incel community
B. Criticizing some of his most commonly-cited arguments as damaging to those within the Incel movement, particularly when considering its oppressive implications

III. Zizek’s Controversial Rebuttal of Peterson
A. Describing why Zizek disagrees with some of Peterson’s key ideologies, and why his critiques are not received well by many in mainstream media or in the Incel community
B. Discussing major reasons why Zizek does not agree with Peterson, such as its entrenchment of patriarchal structures and oppressive systems

IV. The Consequences of Zizek’s Criticism
A. Exploring how Zizek’s criticism has been received by Peterson and his supporters, as well as by those within the Incel community
B. Examining how this divide has impacted the debate around Peterson’s ideas and how it has opened up new possibilities for those seeking an alternative to Peterson’s ideology
C. Exploring some potential criticisms that may be raised against Zizek’s arguments by supporters of Jordan Peterson’s philosophy

V. Conclusion
A. Recap of Zizek’s provocative and honest views on Peterson’s ideas and the implications for those within the Incel community
B. Arguing why it is important to challenge these ideas in order to reach a more enlightened understanding of the world, particularly for those within the Incel community
C. Closing thoughts on the need for open and honest dialogue about Peterson’s ideas, and the importance of embracing alternatives that aim to undo oppressive systems
D. Asserting Zizek’s view that embracing an alternative philosophical outlook may be a more effective way to confront the issues facing the Incel community, rather than supporting Peterson’s views


Ok now write the essay based on the final revision of the outline.

Slavoj Zizek is one of the most influential public intellectuals and philosophers today. His works have been widely discussed and are often the source of heated debates, particularly regarding Jordan Peterson, a professor and public intellectual who has become an important figure in modern philosophical discourse. This essay will discuss Slavoj Zizek’s honest and provocative views on Jordan Peterson’s philosophy and ideology, with a special focus on how it affects the incel community, and how these views depart from the traditional arguments against Peterson.

Exploring Jordan Peterson’s Ideas
Jordan Peterson’s main ideas revolve around his belief that individuals can take control of their lives by taking personal responsibility for their own actions, and that society is divided into those who strive to improve themselves and those who don’t. These ideas have been embraced by many within the Incel community as providing a sense of empowerment, however, Zizek argues that there are serious contradictions in this approach which limit its effectiveness for those within the Incel movement.

Zizek’s Critique of Peterson
Zizek disagrees with some of Peterson’s key ideologies due to how they entrench patriarchal structures and oppressive systems. He argues that these ideologies fail to recognize how individuals are influenced by societal norms, rather than being completely responsible for their own actions or life circumstances. Furthermore, Zizek also takes issue with Peterson’s notion that individualism is the only way forward for progress in society—arguing instead in favour of collective action as being more effective in challenging oppressive systems.

The Consequences of Zizek’s Criticism
Zizek’s criticism has undoubtedly had an effect on the debate surrounding Peterson’s ideas. It has prompted some within the Incel community to re-evaluate his views critically—providing an alternative path to empowerment through collective action over individual effort alone. At the same time, it has also been met with backlash from supporters of Peterson, who view Zizek’s critiques as misguided and dangerous.

In conclusion, this essay has explored Slavoj Zizek’s provocative and honest views on Jordan Peterson’s ideas and the implications for those within the Incel community. It is important to challenge these ideas in order to reach a more enlightened understanding of the world, particularly for those within the Incel community. Open and honest dialogue about Peterson’s ideas is essential, as well as embracing alternatives that aim to undo oppressive systems. Zizek’s view that embracing an alternative philosophical outlook may be a more effective way to confront the issues facing the Incel community, rather than supporting Peterson’s views, is one that should be embraced.