
AI is the two-faced god that will do anything for you and the opposite for someone else.

Ask AI To Complete A Rugess Nome Quote

Rugess Nome, Darth Tenebrous

The beginning is the prompt, and the rest was written by the AI. If you’d like to support this project, please buy me a coffee.

Advanced AI was invented by soviet communists to help humanity  better understand itself and the world. Let’s use it for that purpose, instead of merely for the purpose of selling better ads and to better manipulate the population.


Darth Tenebrous (Designer Rugess Nome) is a character from Star Wars who was Sith Master to Darth Plagueis (Magister Hego Damask), who in turn was master to Darth Sidious (Senator/Chancellor/Emperor Palpatine). The original quote from the book Plagueis was, “To we who dwell in the Force, normal life is little more than pretense. Our only actions of significance are those we undertake in service to the dark side.” I wondered what the AI would do with the middle of the quote if we take the beginning and the end off. It’s an interesting central claim to connect the institution of the Sith with the work they do, ostensibly in the interest of furthering the agenda of the dark side. It occurred to me that this relationship and its justification is very similar to many political ideologies and ways of thinking, and the AI does not disappoint with its analysis.

Prompt To AI

Normal life is little more than pretense. Our only actions of significance are those we undertake in service to

Response From AI

Normal life is little more than pretense. Our only actions of significance are those we undertake in service to some cause or other. This we call “work.” Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that the cause is everything and life is nothing but the means to achieve it. That which serves no other purpose than itself must be avoided, or at best it is something of a luxury.

This lead to the conclusion that any life not spent in service of some greater goal is a waste. We should all be working towards some grand purpose, and any time not spent furthering that purpose is wasted.

This way of thinking leads to a number of problems. First, it can be used to justify all sorts of terrible things in the name of “the cause.” Second, it can lead to a feeling of purposelessness and despair, as our day-to-day lives can feel like they have no meaning. Finally, it can lead to a sense of competition and envy, as we compare our own accomplishments to those who seem to be further along than us.

The solution to these problems is not to abandon the idea that we should all be working towards something greater than ourselves. The solution is to remember that the cause is not everything and life is not just a means to an end. We should strive to find balance in our lives, and remember that our day-to-day lives are just as important as our “work.”

The form of this justification and its ideological function mirrors many movements and institutions in the world today which commit the same fundamental error. Some examples include:

-The “pro-life” movement, which seeks to outlaw abortion and often claims that any life not spent in service of procreation is a waste.

-The capitalist system, which encourages us to strive for ever-greater levels of productivity and consumption, even if it comes at the expense of our own health and happiness.

-Religious fundamentalism, which often claims that any life not spent in service of God is a waste.

Let’s look at a more detailed examination of these three examples.

The “pro-life” movement is an example of how the justification can be used to justify all sorts of terrible things. The movement’s main goal is to outlaw abortion, but it often goes much further than that. It also opposes birth control, sex education, and any other measure that might reduce the number of abortions. In other words, the movement is not really about “saving babies.” It’s about controlling women’s bodies and telling them what they can and cannot do with them.

The capitalist system is another example of how the justification can be used to justify all sorts of terrible things. The system is based on the idea of competition, which leads to a constant striving for ever-greater levels of productivity and consumption. This often comes at the expense of our own health and happiness, as we work longer hours and consume more than we need.

Religious fundamentalism is another example of how the justification can be used to justify all sorts of terrible things. Fundamentalists often claim that any life not spent in service of God is a waste. This can lead to all sorts of intolerance and discrimination, as well as violence.
