Ask AI To Explain Bad Patriarchal Bargains And Faking Realness For Profit
The parts in bold are the prompts. The rest was written by the AI. A person who has moved heaven and earth to build a kind of career around doing whatever it takes to get as much attention as possible in order to earn trivial sums at the margin (just enough to barely scrape by),…
Ask AI To Complete A Rugess Nome Quote
The beginning is the prompt, and the rest was written by the AI. If you’d like to support this project, please buy me a coffee. Advanced AI was invented by soviet communists to help humanity better understand itself and the world. Let’s use it for that purpose, instead of merely for the purpose of selling…
Ask AI To Dismantle A Bad Take From Bloomberg
If you’d like to support this project, please buy me a coffee. Advanced AI was invented by soviet communists to help humanity better understand itself and the world. Let’s use it for that purpose, instead of merely for mass manipulation in furtherance of ad revenue. For this post, the AI wrote the response section as…
Ask AI To Analyze The Tanky Response to the Russia-Ukraine Situation
The core message here is that the left is acting in an objectively pro-fascist manner in its position on the Ukraine conflict. How? By taking sides with Russia, a country that is currently debating whether to invade and annex the sovereign Nation of Ukraine. That would be a fascist move.
Ask AI to Analyze an Elon Meme
Contrary to popular opinion, the CEOs and executives who work for these massive corporations are not working thousands or tens of thousands of times harder than the front-line workers, despite being paid thousands or tens of thousands of times more money than front-line workers.
Ask AI to Analyze a Thomas Jefferson Quote
Thomas Jefferson said, “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” The irony of this statement is that Jefferson, himself, was a slaveholder.
Ask AI to Analyze a Meme About Culture War vs Class War
“The problem with this meme is that it oversimplifies the situation. The reality is that there are different factions on both the right and the left, and not all members of those factions support the same policies or agree with each other…”