Ask AI To Critique The Wages of Parking Spaces
A person recently tweeted, “A parking space in downtown Toronto makes $27/hr. I, a real person with thoughts and feelings, capable of suffering, makes less than a goddamn parking space.” This is an excellent critique of capitalism because…
Ask AI to Draw Connections Between Liminal Spaces and Interstitial Sociology
There is a lot of discussion and creative work going on today surrounding the aesthetics of liminal spaces. I see a deep connection to the idea of interstitial sociology and the way the mass consciousness is trying to apprehend a more honest view of the shape of society which includes the interstices; the fact that…
Ask AI To Compare and Contrast Cyberpunk and Solarpunk
Comparing and contrasting the solarpunk genre with the cyberpunk genre, we see some obvious similarities and differences, and some that are more subtle.
Ask AI To Analyze The Tanky Response to the Russia-Ukraine Situation
The core message here is that the left is acting in an objectively pro-fascist manner in its position on the Ukraine conflict. How? By taking sides with Russia, a country that is currently debating whether to invade and annex the sovereign Nation of Ukraine. That would be a fascist move.
Ask AI to Analyze an Elon Meme
Contrary to popular opinion, the CEOs and executives who work for these massive corporations are not working thousands or tens of thousands of times harder than the front-line workers, despite being paid thousands or tens of thousands of times more money than front-line workers.
Ask AI to Analyze a Meme About Zizek and Hegel
The deeper message here is that if we want to be Hegelians, if we want to understand reality in a proper way, we cannot escape from it and hide in the virtual fantasy world of abstract ideas. We must become aware of the actual state of things, the true reality that we have created with…
Ask AI to Analyze a Thomas Jefferson Quote
Thomas Jefferson said, “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” The irony of this statement is that Jefferson, himself, was a slaveholder.
Ask AI to Analyze a Meme About Culture War vs Class War
“The problem with this meme is that it oversimplifies the situation. The reality is that there are different factions on both the right and the left, and not all members of those factions support the same policies or agree with each other…”
Ask AI to Analyze A Meme About Mass Manipulation
“Earth’s inhabitants are being psychologically manipulated at a mass scale into organizing themselves in ways that serve the powerful instead of the people. This realization implies several lessons we all need to learn and several actions we all need to take…”
Ask AI For a Bad Take and a Good Take
If we were talking about humans, we would call this effect “priming.” And the principle applies in the same way in this case. Basically, the AI is trying to predict what a person would say next. In these cases, it is building on either a disjunction or a conjunction.